This morning I'm feeling renewed hope that it's the best time to be alive. So, I'm super excited to introduce my new free weekly short video series for you to be happier, live your purpose and love your life: Happy Monday.
If you're like me, you dread Mondays. I love what I do for a living, but it can still feel like a drag getting out of bed on Monday and starting work again.
Yet, how we start our week makes the difference in how the week goes. Start your week frustrated, bitter, and angry and negativity will follow you. Start your week energized and motivated, you're more likely to achieve what you want.
So I'm excited to share my new weekly YouTube video series: Happy Monday. In these super short clips, I'll share how you can live your happiest, best week. Today's episode is all about HOPE. Hope ignites your goals to come to fruition. In this video, I share why and how to take advantage of the science of hope to make it a great week. Enjoy and please, share with friends.
With so much love,
Here's to a fabulous 2018!