Want to join me in a free SELF-LOVE Challenge? 10 days to commit to loving you? Then keep reading…
Do you ever call yourself names? Look in the mirror and say mean things? Berate yourself for saying the wrong thing? Beat yourself up for making a mistake?
Me too. I woke up thinking of an email I wish I had written differently. Then my brain started calling me names – until I said “NO – I won’t listen to this!” and I put my hand on my heart and began speaking to myself with kindness.
Self-love is a thing, but we’re never taught how to do it – or why it’s important. Quite the opposite… we’ve been told it’s selfish if we also want to receive. As women, our brains are wired for nurturing others. We love to give but one of the reasons that women are more depressed than men is that we ruminate more on the negative. We worry more. It’s great for taking care of others, but horrible for taking care of ourselves.
You deserve better. You deserve the same love and kindness you give to your best friend, your kids, your mail carrier! Inside of you is a sweet, tender soul that is so good, so beautiful, and so worthy of genuine love. You’ve overcome so much, you’ve been so brave to keep going every day. You are brilliant and unique and here for purpose – not despite your “imperfections” – but because you’re perfect with them.
International Day of Self-Love is February 13 so I’m kicking off 10 Days of Self-Love TODAY. Want to join? It’s scary and brave and going to be delicious!
Here’s how it will work: Every day for the next 10 days, I’ll post a Self-Love tool, inquiry, or exercise for us all to do on the PurposeGirls Women’s Happiness Network Facebook group, then we uplevel each other. (Click here to join the Free Facebook group!)
Then we’ll end with a “Grand Finale” totally FREE Self-Love Celebration class on Feb 13 that I’m hosting! It’s a class to learn 3 proven keys to self-love, purpose and joy.
Click here to register for the free class. Even if you can’t make the live class, register for access to the recording!
You are the only you!! And the world needs YOUR creativity, YOUR strengths, YOUR talents. We’re going to go beyond the mani-pedi and into self-trust, self-compassion, and self-celebration.
Join me on Instagram and in the Facebook group, and join the Self-Love Celebrationclass!
Plus, PLEASE share this link with 3 women who would need self-love and would benefit from self-celebration! February 13 is also Gal-entine’s Day, the day to celebrate our Girlfriends, so share this link so we build up a big ol’ sisterhood of self-loving Goddesses!
Together, we’re changing the world, one woman at a time.
PS: Join my private Facebook Group to be a part of the Self Love Challenge!