Good morning,
It's nearly impossible to be in Israel and not think a lot about peace. As one guide said, “No one wants war. We all want peace.”
How true. And yet, most people I know have an internal war waging in their minds, their hearts, and within their soul.
- In your mind, you scream at yourself: You're fat. You're a loser. I'm alone. No one loves me.
- You wage war on others: She sucks. He's out to get me. They don't understand me.
- You battle your inner knowing: To say I love you first – or hold back for fear of rejection? To vulnerably stand up for your beliefs, or risk abandonment and shame? To follow your heart and go for your dreams – or stay on the safe route?
The inner war will prevent you from living your true purpose. It will hold you back from the profound impact you're here to make. I know – it holds me back too.
You cannot live your highest, most profound purpose with the inner war of shame, blame, guilt, and fear. Join me in committing to this week's SPARK: I consciously create inner peace.
Here's how: I taped this video for you from the beaches of Israel, after my morning meditation. In it, I take you through how to let go of waging war inside, and how to let love, light, and peace into your heart.
In Hebrew, Shalom means hello, goodbye and peace. My goodbye from Israel, and Peace to you. As a friend pointed out to me, the sound is like “OM” and “HOME”. Peace, love. Peace.
With so much love,
ps -Several of you have emailed about wanting to take spiritual journeys. I still have 2 spots left for Purpose in Paris. If you're wanting a spiritual journey to discover yourself, expand your essence, and come alive, join us! Click here to email me about it! For 5 days and 4 nights, we'll meditate every day in a different Parisien garden, we'll sail the Seine River, watch the Eiffel Tower light up at night, paint, write, and PLAY so that your soul is REJUVENATED and ready for greatness. Don't let your old story or money fears get in your way. Payment plans are available. Just 2 spots left, so if you're called for an awakening, fabulous journey, email me here!
pps – Several of you have asked for more pics from this amazing journey! Thank you! For those of you… here you go. You know who you are! 😉