Happy Summer! Do you already feel the magic of the season? It’s in the air… Summer feels playful; it is fun and flirty and makes us all fall a bit more in love with life.
Summer is the perfect for a conversation about LOVE! Are you in love? Madly, deeply in love with a romantic partner? With your friends? With life? Or do you want love? Are you seeking that someone special with whom you can share your life?
This week, I have been immersed in discussions about love. As you may have seen, my colleague Jan Dahms, and I hosted two focus groups last week for fabulous NYC women looking for love. (Don’t worry, guys, we’ll host them for you too soon!). While these incredible women shared different experiences and stories, one thing struck me as infinitely true – at our deepest core, humans want to be loved! We want to be accepted. We want to be valued. And we want to SHARE love with others.
Of course we do! Humans actually need love to survive. Research shows that babies who are loved have healthier brain development. Plus, the love hormone, oxytocin, has been shown to relax us, make us feel more content, reduce our stress and to support our immune system.
So how can we get more love? In this week’s PurposeFULL Monday, I share a bit about what I’m learning about how to get the love we want and need. Go get it – and enjoy!
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