Has Fear ever held you back?
Yeah, me too. And everyone I've ever met.
But we don't have to – we can turn that fear into courage, and here's how…
Just last week, I was coaching a client about going for her dream – turning her purpose into a business – and she kept saying “I just have a Fear Block.”
I totally get it. I had a Fear Block that held me back for 8 years before finally pursuing my purpose and in those 8 years, I became severely depressed, horribly ashamed, and I even got shingles even though I was healthy.
One day, I realized that my fear could become fuel for courage and it changed everything.
So I asked my client to think about the word BLOCK and what image comes up in her mind.
“Like a big WALL,” she said. Right – when we see fear as a wall, we will be paralyzed because you literally can’t walk through a wall.
Now this is a strong brilliant woman – a successful professional and a single mama who has overcome a LOT in life! So I asked, “Are you going to let the fear stop you?” Of course, she said, “No.”
So I asked her what she can call the fear instead.
“A fear Hurdle,” she said. (Exhale….) Then I can jump over it.”
EXACTLY!! Fear is a “hurdle” you can jump over. A “challenge” you can overcome. An opportunity to rise with courage.
See even the most elite runners trip on hurdles. But then they get up, they learn from it, and they run another race.
I guarantee you've done this with a million hurdles in your life.
Courage comes from the word, “Cor” – which means Heart, in Latin. So what's required to move through Fear is Heart.
What if we saw Fear as fuel to listen to our Hearts?
When you feel Fear, realize, “Oh, this is IMPORTANT to me. This is what my Heart wants.”
And the pain to your heart of NOT writing that book, NOT starting that coaching business, NOT becoming a personal trainer – NOT listening to your HEART – will hurt 1 million times more than the fear hurts now.
You can love your fear. You can speak to it kindly as you would your child. You can let it know that everyone has fear. Let it know that you'll be ok no matter what. Let it know that if you trip on the hurdle, you'll dust off and run again!
Your truth, your heart, your vulnerable story, your wisdom, your courage, your PURPOSE is needed – now, more than ever.
So give yourself a compassionate hug. Step over that hurdle. Take ONE SMALL ACTION STEP on your heart knowing – and allow yourself the pride, satisfaction and fulfillment found in following your truth, desires and purpose!
This week's episode of the PurposeGirl Podcast is all about how to Shift Fear into Courage. I give 4 client stories – plus a couple new ones of my own – highlighting specific fears and specific solutions to jump over that fear hurdle. You'll learn so much in this episode and get SO much courage and confidence to move forward! Listen here!
Let me know what you're most afraid of in following your Dream and what one small step you'll take!
With so much love,