Happy Tuesday! I know that SPARKS usually come on Mondays, but I gave myself a much needed sleep break after teaching the Science of the BRAIN all day Saturday and Sunday in California. My brain needed to rest, so thanks for being patient!
After teaching 22 incredible CAPP students how the brain works, I am reminded of a fundamental truth: Optimism breeds success!
Research shows that in general, your brain does not know the difference between what it thinks and reality. Try this for example: Close your eyes and imagine a lemon. Imagine holding the lemon to your nose and breathing the fresh scent in. Then imagine that I cut a slice for you and you place it on your tongue. Imagine squeezing the juice of that lemon in your mouth. Now… what’s happening to your body?
Likely, your mouth salivated and/or flinched with the sour “taste.” See, the brain thinks you had a lemon!
The same is true of being optimistic about your dreams. The more you envision your desire, the more your brain thinks it is truth. Now, you can’t just envision something for it to come to fruition, but when mixed with the great brain motivator, HOPE, your brain creates strategies and motivation for you to take action. It’s like magic sauce on your brain!
See, Optimism Breeds Success! Plus, when facing adversity, Optimism keeps you on track. It really breeds success!
I’m going to share all of this and more with you on today’s first “Purpose Power Hour” at Noon ET! This is my absolutely FREE monthly series as my gift to you. Nearly 100 people are signed up for this class. I can’t wait! Have you registered? JOIN US! Register here.
Even if you can’t join, allow this SPARK to carry you through the week: Optimism Breeds Success. And when obstacles appear (which they probably will), Optimism Breeds Success. See it, feel it, smell it, taste it, touch it, believe it, redirect your mind and shift to ask “how” else it can happen. Because… Optimism Breeds Success!
Remember if you want to learn more, join me at Noon ET for Purpose Power Hour!
Have a fabulous rest of your week!
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