Hi Loves!
I'm just back from 10 days of travel, and I wasn't going to email you today because I'm tired, but I keep thinking of a woman I met while away and knew I had to email you.
In a “chance” meeting at a coffee shop, she shared that despite having healthy kids and a loving husband, she still feels empty inside. I get it. I'm sure you do, too. We've all felt this before.
I used to look everywhere for happiness, thinking, “If only I were married,” “If only I lived in New York,” “If only I made 6 figures…then I'll be happy.” I “achieved” it all and still ended up deeply depressed. And then one day I looked in the mirror and knew a deep truth:
Happiness is an inside job.
And I am worthy of happiness.
The way to happiness is to LOVE YOURSELF WHOLLY. Even the parts of you that you hate. Finding compassion for the younger you that made decisions you regret, falling in love with the sensitivity of your heart. It's not easy, and I still work on it every day, but the more I love the part of me that is afraid, the more I accept the part of me that sometimes judges others unfairly, the more I embrace the little girl inside with BIG dreams…the more I grant myself joy, freedom, and permission to follow my heart!
So my love, your SPARK for the week is:
You are WHOLE.
As is.
You don't need to do anything.
You don't need to have more.
You just need to BE YOU.
With so much love,
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