What if we dedicated today to BRAGGING? What if today you stood proud and tooted your own horn? Not “Facebook” moments like your family's perfect vacation, or your kids' latest achievements, but YOUR moments of courage, resilience, and grace… how you've overcome challenges and the work you've achieved.
I'll start… Yesterday, Josh and I moved into our DREAM home. (Pictures of our sanctuary haven, and more on dreaming BIG next week!) I want to brag about it a bit. I dreamed of owning a big, beautiful plush house and a year later, I was able to move into it because I work my butt off sharing purpose with you!
Now, your turn… what will YOU BRAG about today?
If you feel like a deer in headlights, you're not alone. Thousands of women have told me that they have a hard time talking about their greatness. It feels “awkward,” “embarrassing,” or “arrogant.”
Says who? Who decided that we're not supposed to talk about ourselves?
When we were little, it was great to brag. Your 4 year-old daughter says, “Look at my painting, Mommy” and you say, “That is so awesome!” Or your 7 year-old nephew shows off his 100% on a math test, and you hug him and say you're so proud!
Of course you do! We need to be proud of each other! We need to celebrate each other!
So when did it become “bad” to say “Look at the awesome job I did!”? Just last week, I shared with colleagues how proud I am of one of my clients. She came to me a year ago, dark, depressed, and feeling lost in everyone else's priorities. She joined my #ThisIs40 program for women in their 40's and realized she was playing small when she is meant for BIG things. She realized her purpose and then joined my Certificate in Positive Psychology class and just last week was on the news! I was so proud of my work with her! I do GOOD! But my colleagues didn't reply. Crickets. Then I feared they thought I was bragging. I beat myself up for sharing my own pride – and then it occurred to me – NO! Why can't I share my own great work? I AM PROUD and I won't hide it. Neither should you.
Somehow, somewhere, someone decided that after a certain age, (and for some reason, if you're a girl), it's impolite, arrogant, bragging. And so we shut up. We wait for other people to notice us, to celebrate us, to acknowledge our good work, and then get upset when someone else gets the promotion!
This is why women still make less than men. It's time for this madness to stop and for you to start sharing your great work. According to the top researcher on positive emotions, pride is one of the great emotions that broadens your mind and helps you build resources.
So I want to hear YOUR achievements My email box is officially open to hear you brag! What is something AWESOME you did this week, this month, or this year? Email me!
Seriously – let's speak up ladies, let's brag! And CELEBRATE each other!!
With so much love,
PS – Last week, I said a BIG announcement was coming this week, but the move has delayed me a bit. Stay tuned – it's coming soon! Eek – I'm SOOO excited!!!
PPS – Remember to send me your brags!
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