This week in Israel has been a deep spiritual journey. It hasn’t always been easy, but it has reminded me to stay strong and this is your SPARK for the week:
Stay Strong. Stay true to yourself. Stay on the journey no matter what.
Being on a purpose path can feel painful at times. You hear “no,” you are told to be practical, people don’t get your idea, or quite simply, people don’t get YOU. But you can’t let that hold you back. When you know who you are and what you are capable of, you must keep going.
My grandfather taught me this. He was kicked out of medical school in 1938 Vienna because he was Jewish. After surviving Dachau, and then serving as a medic in the US Army, he applied to dozens of American medical schools… but they all turned him down. He did not give up. He applied to Public Health schools and finally the Dean of ONE school told him that he could stay as long as he got all A’s. He did, and went on to serve humanity for more than 60 years. He stayed strong no matter what.
Here in Israel, I've heard this story again and again. From one man's dream to survive anti-semitism by creating a Jewish homeland, to Jesus who spread love no matter what, to an Ethiopian woman who fought for her life to leave persecution and flee to freedom in the middle of the night so that her children could have a better life. They stayed strong no matter what.
What are you passionate about? What is your purpose? What must you stay strong for no matter what?
If you know your purpose, stay on the path to make that dream come true. If you don't know your purpose, stay committed to uncovering your truth.
My purpose is to inspire, encourage, and empower you to live your purpose. Most of the time, I stay strong to this purpose. Sometimes, I lose my strength. I've gotten jealous of others' success and anxious about my own. With certain family members, I’ve downplayed my mission to fit in. But this week in Israel is helping me build a thicker skin and stronger heart. I’m here to shine AND SO ARE YOU.
Stay strong, love. I believe in you.
With so much love,
ps – If you want to follow more of my journey and get more tips to live your purpose, follow me on Facebook! Click here!
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