Your Spark for today is, “I Play!”
I am writing to you from my bed because I woke up with a cold today. Though I used to get sick all the time, I rarely do anymore, so this has made me pause and come back to a fundamental truth of how to live on Purpose: Live. Play! ENJOY!
Loves, we are taking our lives WAY too seriously. (And I totally include myself in this.) Gotta get ahead. Gotta do more, be more, have more. You’re busy, busy, busy, you wake up checking email, screaming at the dog to just poop already so you can get to work, stressed with overwhelm at your overflowing email inbox and yesterday’s to-do list, then running from work to pick up the kids, make dinner, to… well, just to do it all over again the next day!
This is NOT a PurposeFULL life!
Living on Purpose means LOVING your work, so you may want to work, work, work like me. Well, that’s not healthy, either! I’m launching my Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology in California this weekend – what a reminder of how our brains work! We need fun, juicy, introspective, creative INPUT for outflow of Purpose!
So this week, chill out. En-JOY life. It’s Spring! Get out and play! Put a halt to the craziness and return to your 4-year old self. That’s what I did this weekend…
SHE loved to DANCE in the street! So I did with with a client!
SHE made up funny accents and voices. So I have been talking to Josh like this, “Hidey, ho, Lovvvveeee!”
SHE colored (outside the lines). So I’ve been using markers in my journal.
What does YOUR 4 year old love to do? If you don’t remember, try this… dance, color, paint, read for pleasure, make funny sounds, clap, use construction paper, do a puzzle, smell the new tree buds, jump into leaves…
Have a wonderful, spontaneous, fun, slow, truly enjoyable week… and watch all of the ABUNDANT PURPOSE that returns!
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