I am writing to you with an overflowing heart, full of love and pride.
I spent this past weekend with 15 incredibly brave, strong women from across the US who all came together to step out from behind their fears and claim their brilliance once and for all. Can you envision the POWER of saying “GOODBYE” to your fears? Can you imagine the FREEDOM of DESTROYING old stories of guilt and shame?
Oh my goodness, claiming your BRILLIANCE is powerful beyond measure!!
When I told my husband that my goal for this past weekend was for each woman to own her brilliance, he said to me, “what is brilliance?” since it can have multiple meanings… Good point.
Brilliance is being your true, strong, courageous and bold self – even when you think others won't approve.
Brilliance comes only from BOTH shining your true gifts, AND from owning the challenges of your life as the strength, courage, and great wisdom that moves you forward.
It's scary to own your fears and destroy old shame that holds you back. When I began this great work, I thought you would only want to listen to me if you thought I was perfectly evolved, if it seemed I had my *shit* totally together, and if I looked untouchable. So I held my fear and shame back and though I meant for this to make me feel bigger, I actually felt small. I felt like a fake and a fraud.
Then a friend of mine lovingly told me that I seemed inauthentic and that there was no way I could help you if I dulled the difficulties of my life. Thank G-d for her!
Even though it's scary to tell you my deepest darkest pain, I own that pain like a badge of honor and that's how I shine!
I want you to shine.
None of us escapes fear, none of us escapes shame. None of us escapes trials and traumas. But what you do with that fear makes all of the difference. Do you shrink for fear of being rejected? Do you allow your fears to run your life?
Your brilliance, your supreme power comes from living your beautiful, authentic, large, gorgeous self. Your pains give you wisdom to live your purpose. And that is your brilliance.
You are brilliant!
Shine on,
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