I really crashed last week. Between my wedding,honeymoon, launching my new program — #ThisIs40 — for women in their 40's to OWN their lives, helping my husband launch his business to help kids LOVE and EXCEL in math, moving to Philadelphia, going away for my 40th birthday, going to my Bonus-Son's school open house, and teaching my last “Activate My Purpose” class, I CRASHED last week. CRASHED. I had nothing left to give. Not even to myself. Laundry piled up. My skin care routine went out the window. I was DONE.
I'm sure you get it. Yet, I still wanted to do more for others. After my free birthday call, two women wanted to talk about changing careers, three women called to take charge of their lives after 40, and a youth group asked for help to empower teens. I wanted to help everyone. After all, it's my purpose… right???!!
WRONG. Yes, my purpose is to inspire, encourage and empower you to create a life you love, but if I am drained, I am NO GOOD to you. When exhausted, drained and depleted, you cannot give to others. You cannot live on purpose.
Doing, doing, doing, giving, giving, giving literally drains every ounce of energy you have. You can't be the mother, wife, accountant, coach or friend you desire to be when you are drained, depleted, uninspired, and hopeless. Living on purpose means that you are so lit up that you light others up. To live on purpose, you must be energized! You must be full of HOPE about life.
To be purpose-full, you first must recharge. You must restore energy and rejuvenate. For me, this meant a weekend without my phone, email or Facebook. I let Josh take my electronics away.
Then, I filled up with things I love: I meditated each morning, we strolled through an outdoor art fair, he gave me a foot massage, I laid my body in the grass and felt the sun on my face… I RECEIVED love, and light, and support.
Being a purpose-full woman does not mean you have to do it all yourself. Quite the opposite. To be purpose-full, successful, and happy, you must allow yourself the time and space to receive, restore and recharge.
I am so inspired by my weekend of healing and rejuvenating that I am offering a first-time opportunity for you to do the same. In October, I am opening up ONLY TWO SLOTS for private, one-on-one, “New Hope Rejuvenation Days.”
Imagine a full day in which I pamper you with yummy food, a cozy bed & breakfast, and healing guidance as we are surrounded by the changing colors of fall, the crisp scent of apples, and the restorative charm of my FAVORITE town, New Hope, PA. (I mean, does this name say it all, or what??!!) During your New Hope Rejuvenation Day, you will:
Rejoice the night before as you and I join together in our jammies to share champagne, snacks, and stories to begin healing from the inside out.
Restore energy in the morning with guided meditation that I customize to your specific needs, and then you learn how to incorporate restoration into your daily routine.
Receive proven healing techniques that you can use in everyday life to dissipate stress, trauma, and pain so that you feel free and full of new hope again.
Reclaim your true nature as the strong, courageous woman you were born to be with reflective exercises in a take-home workbook that you can re-use to maintain hope in the future.
Regain joy through playful experiences that uplift your spirit and bring out your inner child!
Relax and enjoy one-night's accommodation (included) in a yummy Victorian Bed & Breakfast.
Leave READY to be the powerful, purpose-full, FABULOUS wife, mother, worker you were meant to be.
If you know that you need this, Carin, join me. This is an opportunity exclusive to ONLY two women, and slots will fill. If you want to know if a New Hope Rejuvenation Day is for you, contact me for a complimentary discovery call to determine if we're a match. These days are an exclusive opportunity for me to pamper you with healing, support and joy so that you restore hope and regain energy – and leave with the tools you need to MAINTAIN hope in the future.
With so much love,
PS – You must restore and recharge to live on purpose. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity with me to do so. Remember, there are only two slots for New Hope Rejuvenation Days, so contact me now to regain and maintain hope for the future.
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