There’s A New Way To WOMAN!
Where Power, Purpose, Pleasure and Play meet to live an extraordinary, fun life full of adventure and success.
Where confidence and clarity are yours.
Once You Know Your Worth, You'll Accept Nothing Less
Your dreams are sacred. You are whole and holy.
You weren’t born to be miserable – you were born to LOVE your life.
The most powerful 2 words: I CHOOSE
Move over self-doubt. Move over letting fear hold you back. Move over staying stuck in old patterns.
You Get To Choose Confidence!
You choose worthiness. You choose aliveness.
We howl our deepest desires into the full moon.
And we collectively released righteous rage from our bodies to make space for our sovereignty.
And then… we ALCHEMIZE it all.
We RISE as the powerful badasses who are in control of our bodies and our destinies.
We claim our worth through glorious dancing and cheering each other on…
We laugh and mirror each others’ brilliance
Each woman claims her BIGGEST TRUTH AND DREAMS, claiming the GODDESS, the QUEEN she is…
So much magic happens on my retreats.
To be this empowered.
To have this glorious JOY.
To be this supported, this seen and SO loved for who you are.
I know you crave this and Sister, you deserve it and you can have it.
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You were born to be ALIVE. Fully ALIVE!
Full of JOY and PURPOSE and JUICE and DREAMS.
You were born to feel MAGICAL and MAGNIFICENT.
I call this new way to WOMAN, W.
W is your PATHWAY to the joyful, happy, confident, fully ALIVE life you crave.
Happiness is ALIVENESS.
Happiness is JOY.
Happiness is being in your POWER.
Happiness is living your PURPOSE.
Happiness is having FUN!!!
And when you feel're magnetic, you're in the flow, you womanifest all your desires. Put simply, you're successful.
Too many women are stuck in old patterns of perfectionism, people pleasing, pounding on themselves for not being enough, and being too much all at once. It stops you from going for your biggest dreams. It keeps you from setting clear boundaries. It paralyzes you around your true purpose. It holds you back from the playful and pleasurable life you desire – and deserve! You weren’t born to be a burnt-out order taker who deprives herself of fun. Sister, that’s just not acceptable.
You weren’t born to be miserable. You weren’t born to be a robot going through the motions. You weren’t born to merely survive and accept crumbs, desperately hungry for more, but so tired that all you can do after the kids go to bed is return emails and doom scroll Instagram while eating cookies out of the box.
Look – I like cookies too. But dreading the day to day, “successful” but sucked dry, stuck in your own hamster wheel of a mind, feeling dead inside is no way to live.