I have a confession to make: Sometimes I have overwhelming anxiety. Like debilitating – think I can't move forward – can't breathe Anxiety with a capital “A.” Maybe you do, too.
And maybe I'm crazy for telling you the truth. Sometimes when I share my “darker” truths, friends and family text me, “You can't do that! They come to you for Happiness!”
And that's why I share the truth. Because you come to me for Happiness. You can't be truly happy if you deny the truth of your feelings. Happiness is not blissful joy in every moment. Fear is a very real human emotion and you must move through it to have Joy! It's when you don't move through it that you're unhappy. Most people let fear and anxiety rule them and thus they don't follow their purpose! When you make yourself wrong for your feelings, you create further struggle and self-loathing and stay MORE STUCK. Believe me, I know.
Fear is human. That's right. We can't be “fearless” because we are animals and have the fear response in order to save our lives when a predator attacks. Anxiety is human, too. It alerts you to potential danger. The key is knowing when there is real danger – and when it is not so that you can move through it to PURPOSE. A figure chasing you with a knife in a dark alley = real danger… Run. Tornado Warning on your radio = real danger… Get Shelter. Showing your real, true self to the world, asking people for help, admitting you don't know how to do something, wanting something desperately but not knowing how to make it happen… All potential dangers – not real. They feel real. Oh yeah – they feel VERY real. Because at some point you got burned. You showed yourself in 4th grade and were rejected, or you asked for help at home and were told to be independent. So yeah, it feels very dangerous.
Your anxiety is doing its job to protect you. Thank you Anxiety! And it's not necessary in these cases. Now Fear and Anxiety are holding you back. It's been holding me back for sure.
Last week, I fulfilled a BIG DREAM of meeting with a book publisher! But I almost let fear of rejection get in the way. NO MORE! Now, I have a BIG DREAM to create a MOVEMENT. A real movement to INSPIRE PURPOSE-DRIVEN LIVING. In addition to coaching, groups and retreats (which I love), I want EVERY PERSON to live his or her purpose. To be a PurposeGirl or PurposeDude, for us all to be PurposePeople. For each of us to uncover our purpose and live our true destiny!!
And… I have no idea how to start a movement. I need help with social media platforms like how to do a podcast and enroll others in listening, and I need connections to media outlets like TV stations and LiveHappy, I need to know how to scale my message to make it easy to understand and follow. I have so many ideas – a quiz to help you identify where you are in the PurposeProcess, products to proudly tout what kind of “PurposeGirl” you are, a signature workshop for corporate employees to align their purpose to the company mission, weekly PurposeParty shows where I interview someone living their purpose to show you how you can too, an online blog/magazine with other contributors. Giving you the info, showing you the way.
And it all terrifies me and sometimes makes me want to go back to bed!
But I can't go back to bed. And neither can you! EVERY DREAM YOU HAVE WAS GIVEN TO YOU TO ACHIEVE. We have each been given a purpose from G-d, and we now have to surrender and ask for help. For example, I need a speaking agent, marketing help, and sponsors to move the movement forward. What do you need to move forward?
We can't let fear and anxiety stop us. We must lean on each other and breathe together in love to move forward. Humans are pack animals. Together is how we've survived for thousands of years. So, let's do this together. This Purpose Promise thing. You can do it. I can do it. We can do it.
Three tips to move through Anxiety and Fear:
- Notice it, become aware of where and how you feel it in your body and BREATHE… big deep belly breaths, with this mantra if you can: “I am safe. I am safe.”
- Ask yourself, “Is this real danger? What am I really afraid of? What is the worst that will happen?”
- And my favorite from Byron Katie, “Who would I be and what would I do if I didn't have this fear?”
Identify the tangible needs under the fear (Ex: Do you need a hug? A contact? To learn how to do something?) Then ask for it. It takes vulnerability, but ask for what you need. People want to help. And if you don't know who to ask, ask ME. Email me here.
We can all live our purpose. We can all fulfill our destiny. We can all be truly, deeply Happy. Let's do it together.
To your Purpose,
With love and extreme gratitude,
ps – If you want to join the PurposeGirl Movement, here are some ways:
1. Like my FB page Coach Carin Rockind: PurposeGirl. (Soon to be renamed, but one step at a time).
2. Follow me on Twitter @carinrockind
3. Invite 3 friends to receive the Rock Your Purpose Toolkit by sending them this link. https://carinrockind.com/contact-2/
pps – If you've been wanting to start your purpose-based business and have been letting fear and anxiety self-sabotage your dream, check out this amazing opportunity. The Love Yourself Love Your Business Telesummit features inspiring entrepreneurs (including yours truly) who share our HONEST stories of overcoming fear to live our purpose. If we've done it, so can you and we want to show you how. Check out who’s taking the virtual stage with me in the upcoming Love Yourself, Love Your Business Telesummit. Join us by registering here! http://bit.ly/loveselflovebiz
(Tickets for the standard package are limited, so sign up TODAY.)