
You are a leader.

Born to lead yourself, your family.

Born to lead a movement that moves life.

To lead community, To lead the world back to LOVE.

But to lead in a new way. The beauty way. The soul way. The blissful way. The ecstatic way. The embodied way. The being way. The PRIESTESS way.

Put simply, you’re a Priestess. You’re here to RAISE THE VIBRATION OF THE PLANET.

And in this chaotic world, we need our full feminine power. Our divinity, our magical selves, our sensual selves, our warrior selves, our wise and wild, whole and holy selves.

We need the ancient feminine wisdom and superpowers – of stillness, of passion, of creation, of heart wisdom, of alignment, of compassion – and we were born to live in and as them.

You have wisdom that the world needs and that only you can deliver. As a healer, a Medicine Woman, a sage, a shaman, a wise, witchy powerful WOMAN with the mission to awaken hearts, ignite spirits, enliven bodies, heal wounds, save the planet, help creatures -and co-create the kind of world we want to live in.


Living at such a high frequency of ecstasy – joy, love, peace, fire, freedom - that you lead with your RADIANCE.

That is the way to abundance. To love. To joy. To healing. To all that you desire.

It’s your time to RISE. So I invite you to join me on the journey of your lifetime, to step into your full feminine, your full power and your true self: PRIESTESS - A Year long initiation to Divine Feminine Leadership.
To remember the ancient wisdom within, to embody your full power – Body, Heart, Mind and Soul – and live as divine WOMAN in the modern world.
I’m only inviting those who I know are ready, and I believe you are.

Will you join me?

Welcome Home.


Welcome to PRIESTESS

Thousands of years ago, Priestesses led the world. We channeled wisdom, embodied heart knowing, had clairvoyant vision, and witchy magical powers. We acted as fierce Warriors of Love and held a frequency for healing.

Today, we live in the modern world as leaders, coaches, healers, mothers, partners, friends, daughters, shoppers, consumers.

And with so much noise in our modern world, it’s hard to keep the frequency of pleasure, the constancy of purpose, and continued access to our power, our channel. There are so many demands. So much chaos. And forces trying to diminish our rights. The patriarchal system set up to make us doubt ourselves and fear our power.

But each of us is magical, holy, wild, needed. So much of our ancient wisdom was buried. Sprinkled into each of our souls, waiting dormant until we each awaken and feel brave enough to share it. That’s “our unique part” in the world. Our own unique MAGIC.

You have a part that is yours and yours alone. And it’s time to remember and reclaim it.

PRIESTESS is a journey to the deeply divine, mystical, spiritual truth.

To the underworld, the dark magic, and the light. To your sacred work in the world. To your authentic, beautiful, wise, compassionate, passionate, self. To your divinity. Your unique magic and skills. This journey is about fully remembering who you are as the embodiment of the divine feminine: A Priestess. The Muse. The Wise Woman. The Wild. Kali. Wayshower. Queen.

And it’s a MYSTERY.
Something I can’t put fully into words on an email or a pdf. And that’s the FUN of it. The YUMMY of it. The excitement of it. We put our cloaks on, stir our cauldron, sit around the fire, howl at the moon, dance, and take each other higher. It's MAGIC.

Though the patriarchy ostracized and shamed us, burnt us at the stake and split us apart,

our souls knew we would come here at this time.

When the world needs women leaders, when the world needs fierce love, when the world needs WOMAN passion and magnetism, to rise up again and take our rightful place on the throne.

And there’s never been a time when that wisdom is more needed. When greed has destroyed our planet, toxic patriarchal systems breed hate, oppress women’s rights and try to control our bodies, when children are shot in school.
The time for divine feminine leadership is now.

The time for YOU is now.

PRIESTESS is not a “course” or a “program”.

It’s an “Initiation”. A remembrance. A calling.

I’m honored to call you back HOME. To yourself, to our Sisterhood, to your rightful place as leader.

This is an invitation to journey deep into the divine feminine at a great mystical and spiritual level. To stir your spirit, awaken your soul, remember in your body who you are: HER.

And then to take powerful ACTION as HER.

ACTION as the Warrior for Love in your own unique way, Action as the Sensual Goddess who makes the world more beautiful and magnetizes all to her. Action as Mother to the world.

Action as the Whimsical Mermaid Muse who spreads joy and light in the world. Action as the Priestess who brings calm stillness to chaos in the world. Action as Kali, who brings fire, as Wise Woman who has the wisdom the world needs, and more.

PRIESTESS is about awakening HER within, being HER every day and doing as HER in the world.

This means, higher levels of abundance, expansion of your sacred work, deeper relationships, elevated self love, deeper intuition and embodiment of your sensual and purposeful self.

How PRIESTESS works:

PRIESTESS is a one year journey to your highest self. We begin with a pre call at the end of December 2023 for the new moon, to open our Sisterhood, and then begin January 1 remembering "Priestess" in our bodies and fine tuning our frequency to HER.

Then each moon, we will dive into and embody an aspect of our feminine leadership:

From Kali fire that destroys what no longer serves to the unconditional love and compassion of a Mother, to Whimsical Mermaid Muse joy that inspires creativity, to the fierce passion of a Wild Woman, and sacred sexuality of the Sensual Goddess, to the stillness of a Priestess in deep devotion.

Each has wisdom for you, for life, and your own leadership.


From the new moon to the full moon, we will learn the ancient wisdom, gleaning from various texts, including Ariel Spilsbury’s 13 Moon Oracle and others; from the full moon to the dark period, we will apply it to our sacred work and lives, living fully embodied as “HER”.

Group Calls - Each moon:

Week 1: Initiation into the ancient tool and archetype(s) – teaching + inquiries
Week 2: Deepening call – embodiment and coaching
Week 3: Full Moon activation - What the Archetype looks like in leadership
Week 4: Group Coaching Call (optional)
*Call times determined by group


You will have a private group for daily mentorship, guidance, wisdom, support, and coaching M - F, and get a private mentorship call with either Carina or Stacey GAIA each month to deepen.


In addition, we will have two 3-day retreats in the US to embody the tools, and spin magic together, plus an optional 4-day retreat in Avalon (Glastonbury, UK).

Retreat in PA March 29 - 31, 2024

Retreat in AVALON June 20-24, 2024

Retreat in PA December 6 - 8, 2024

Final Project and Revenue Potential- At the culmination of our year, each Priestess will share an offering or project to enhance the world, which you may teach through the Institute of WOMAN.

Upon ordination, you will receive a certificate in feminine leadership from the Institute of WOMAN.

You are called higher. Deeper. Truer. Bolder. More authentic and true to YOU.

You know you have ancient wisdom inside. You know you feel connected to the divine. You know that you’ve been a wise sage for thousands of years.

You’re ready for quantum leaps. In love, in abundance, in joy, in leadership, in self trust.

And you crave the tools, support, sisterhood, and experiences to bring it forward in you. For thousands of years, women gathered in sisterhood to support, heal, inspire, care for each other, and deepen in feminine wisdom together.

It’s in our blood. Our biology is based on this deep connection. We need it. We yearn for it.
With the support of sisterhood, we shine. This level of sisterhood and feminine wisdom has been buried and hidden for centuries.

Slowly, it is now re-emerging. Women are gathering. The energy is shifting from the masculine to the feminine. Ancient feminine wisdom is being remembered. And inside each of us, is a piece of the sacred knowledge.

Now is the time to awaken it and bring it to the world.

We now have access to this like never before in our lifetime.

NOW is the time to step up as feminine leader, to shine your light, be seen, fully stand in your power, and share your gifts with the world. And, as ancient feminine wisdom tells us, you are not meant to do this alone.

For thousands of years, women supported each other in accessing and sharing their divine gifts, as well as supported each other in raising their families.

Only in sacred Sisterhood, do we remember who we actually are and why we came to the planet now. Only with other divine women can you see your true self. And only in circle, do you feel completely supported in pursuing your truth.

We invite you to join the Sisterhood.

To embody the PRIESTESS Within.

What is it like to work with Carina?

"(Carina) Has such a gift. She has the ability to see, honor, celebrate and encourage & inspire each of us uniquely and all of us collectively. I felt witnessed, cherished, celebrated, encouraged, accepted, & loved from Day 1. And after working together, it feels like a connection that will last and last. The bonds and love forged are real and deep."
Jaime L.

“I don't really have words for working with Carina. She really is the woman whisperer, and though she might sometimes push you to the edges, she does it lovingly and while having your back. Working with her is edgy at times, but doing the exercises full out and staying with it and through it liberated me and gave me empowerment."If you're considering working with Carina, do it. I mean seriously, do it!"

"I am incredibly grateful for having found you…your impact on me, my life is not to be described with words…"

"Working with Carina has been truly life changing, in a way that nothing else has. She opened my eyes to a whole new way of thinking, feeling and perceiving my life and this world that I am part of. Carina’s incredible mix of talents –including an expertise in positive psychology, a deeply intuitive nature, a strong focus on purpose, a love for coaching others, and a natural charisma – position her uniquely to make a profound impact in the lives of those who choose to work with her. My fulfillment, relationships, emotions and confidence have all improved dramatically since working with Carin. I’m deeply grateful to her for sharing her gifts with me, and I’d recommend her services to any woman who wants a more fulfilling life!"

"I am afloat because of the things you have taught me. I actually want to do more with you. Thank you for what you have added to my life, you are AMAZING!!!! Joining your program was one of the best decisions of my whole life!"

"Working with Carina has been life altering. When I first met Carin I was at a crossroads in my life— I was at an impasse in my career and personal relationships, my inner critic wasn't particularly kind, and I felt anxious and lost. Carina truly works magic. She completely altered my perception of my place in the world in a positive way, and she gave me the tools I needed to be a more confident and authentic version of myself. I (feel) grounded and energized. Since working with Carina, I am more open, I smile and laugh more, and I see the world as a place full of mystery and wonder."

The Investment

PRIESTESS is a commitment – a commitment to yourself, to your sisters, to the world. As such, there’s an investment of time, of energy, of expansion, of emotion, and financial.

Time and energy: We’ll meet weekly as outlined above and ask you to be present as often as possible.

Expansion: You will become the highest version of yourself and create a project or offering as HER. You will get the opportunity to potentially teach In the Institute of WOMAN.


$1350/month for 16 months, $1800/month for 12 months or Pay in Full $18,000**

This includes all coaching, calls, ongoing support, and programming at the US retreats, and the 13 Moon Oracle from Ariel Spilsbury, but does not include flights or lodging for retreats or Avalon.

**PAY IN FULL comes with VIP Day with Carina or Carina + Stacey GAIA (a $7,000 bonus)

IS this for you?

Ask yourself?

*Am I ready to own my divinity?

*Am I ready to step fully into my feminine leadership?

*Am I ready to lead in the Divine Feminine?

*Does the word "PRIESTESS" awaken my body and truth?

*Do I yearn for MAGIC?

*Do I crave Sisterhood on this path?

*Am I willing to receive, participate, and make an offering to the world?

*Am I ready for a new level of ecstatic bliss?

If you feel your YES, this is for you, Sister. You're a PRIESTESS.