What if life gets to be magical, again?
You feel Sexy. Powerful. Magnetic. Alive. Energized.
You are SEEN. Heard. Understood. CELEBRATED.

You are supported when it feels like the world is falling apart.

What if instead of shame, you're proud of yourself because you LOVE who you are, you said YES to dreams regardless of fear... and it was FUN?

There's a whole other way of being WOMAN:
ALIVE, free to fully express, bold, fun, powerful, sexy, soft, brave, authentic, whole, happy, having “it all”

without overwhelm, exhaustion, self-criticism or apology

(even when you feel messy and make mistakes - that's part of your charm!)

You get to be this. It's time to reclaim your magnificence.

All for just $111 a month!

JOIN The WOMAN Rising Revolution NOW!

Say YES to Claiming Your Pleasure-Filled, Powerful Essence

Are you ready to rise up and reclaim the full, pussified, pleasurable power of your divine feminine being?

Welcome to the WOMAN RISING Revolution

A sacred sanctuary where we celebrate the sensual sovereignty of the Goddess within.
Here, you will:

  • Ignite your primal passion and step into your rightful place as a woman of untamed magnetism
  • Cultivate unshakable self-belief as you remember the majesty of who you truly are
  • Join a sisterhood of wild, wonderful women who uplift, inspire, and empower one another

This is a rallying cry for women who are done with dimming their light.

Surround yourself in Sisterhood and Rise Together

This is not just a solo journey - it's about the collective rising of women who are ready to celebrate, support, and empower one another.

When you reclaim your WHOLENESS as WOMAN, the happier and more powerful we are. You channel your rage into purpose, you courageously go for the dream, and powerful, and bold. ALL of you is Welcome. ALL of you is needed. Reclaim your messy, magical WHOLENESS. To be magnetic to your desires. You just have to know how to access, accept, and embody WOMAN within.

You are WOMAN.


As a member of the WOMAN RISING Revolution, you'll have access to a growing library of luscious resources, including sensual awakening videos, pleasure-filled journal prompts, and potent meditations and coaching.

Dive into juicy lessons that will help you fully inhabit your feminine essence, engage in deliciously self-exploratory exercises, and experience guided practices that will help you become more grounded, radiant, and irresistible in your power.

Each month you'll get:

  • Week 1: a short teaching video
  • Week 2: Self-Discovery Exercises and Mindful Journaling Cues
  • Week 3: A live call and meditation
  • Week 4: A live coaching call
  • Private Community on Facebook to share wisdom, receive celebration, do your challenges, ask for help, gain friendship, and get support!

Get ALL of this for just $111 a month!

who you will become with The WOMAN RISING MEMBERSHIP:

After monthly live courses, coaching calls, meditations, practices, and self-discovery exercises, with me, world-renowned mentor, Carina, and in a safe, supportive, sacred sisterhood with the most loving, supportive women on the planet,

YOU will BE the WOMAN you were born to be.

The WOMAN who dances in the town square waterfall without asking permission…
The WOMAN who not only asks for the raise but gets promoted…
The WOMAN who confidently sings on open mic night…
The WOMAN who has so much fun internet dating…
The WOMAN who says “NO” to another volunteer committee and YES to a beginner’s art class…
The WOMAN leading a movement to change the world…
The WOMAN who feels financially stable...
The WOMAN who has had real trauma, and uses it all to impact others' lives...

Hi, I'm carin,
(But you can call me Carina!)

Your Mentor, Coach and Leader of the WOMAN Rising Membership. My clients call me “The Women’s Whisperer”, the High Priestess, the Goddess of Goddesses, the world’s leading expert on Women’s Happiness, and the Mom they wish they had.

My mission is for every woman to be FREE. To feel so ALIVE, so VIBRANT, so full of JOY and LIFE, that they speak their voice, enjoy their bodies, go for their dreams, and in essence – run the world.

Years ago, I found myself with “everything” but I felt empty and numb. I had the “perfect” lawyer husband, the colonial house in the burbs, and a Golden Retriever.

But… I longed for “MORE”. More juice. More purpose. More LIFE. I realize I had long before abandoned my true self to be “The Good Girl” who got all A’s and got her parents’ approval but wasn’t joyful. I felt trapped. Stuck. Lost. I thought, “I hate my life. I hate myself. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I figure this out?”

I yearned for a mentor who understood me, but couldn’t find one. I didn’t want a business coach, though I wanted someone to help me launch my dreams. I didn’t want a financial planner, though I wanted to be in my power with money. I didn’t want a sexuality coach, though I wanted to be free sexually and feel beautiful sensually.

I got my Masters Degree in Positive Psychology from UPenn, and then became an initiated priestess in divine feminine wisdom. I then studied at The School of Womanly Arts for 2 years and have since taken numerous business, money, and sexuality courses.

I'm a survivor of domestic violence, armed robbery, divorce, and miscarriages. I had a 5 year fertility struggle and had my precious son at 45. I have family members who are ill. I have REAL pain turn EVERY challenge in my life into purpose, promise, and power to change the world.

As founder of the Institute of WOMAN, Women’s Happiness Day and WOMAN Rising Live, as well as author of "Wonderful You", and host of the popular show, "PurposeGirl Podcast" which has been rated in the top 20 in 30 countries, as I create events, courses, retreats, and media for women to become the fully embodied, alive, joyful woman she was meant to be - scars and all. My mission is for conscious women to run the world!

What is it like to work with Carina?

"(Carina) Has such a gift. She has the ability to see, honor, celebrate and encourage & inspire each of us uniquely and all of us collectively. I felt witnessed, cherished, celebrated, encouraged, accepted, & loved from Day 1. And after working together, it feels like a connection that will last and last. The bonds and love forged are real and deep." - Jaime L.

“I don't really have words for working with Carina. She really is the woman whisperer, and though she might sometimes push you to the edges, she does it lovingly and while having your back. Working with her is edgy at times, but doing the exercises full out and staying with it and through through it liberated me and gave me empowerment."If you're considering working with Carina, do it. I mean seriously, do it!" - Venla Kärki

"Working with Carina has been truly life changing, in a way that nothing else has. She opened my eyes to a whole new way of thinking, feeling and perceiving my life and this world that I am part of. Carina’s incredible mix of talents –including an expertise in positive psychology, a deeply intuitive nature, a strong focus on purpose, a love for coaching others, and a natural charisma – position her uniquely to make a profound impact in the lives of those who choose to work with her. My fulfillment, relationships, emotions and confidence have all improved dramatically since working with Carin. I’m deeply grateful to her for sharing her gifts with me, and I’d recommend her services to any woman who wants a more fulfilling life!" - Jessica Driscoll

"Carin Rockind empowers me to love myself, to take the giant leap in my life, to make the biggest decisions I have ever taken, and that has changed my life forever, to be my authentic self, and all of this in sisterhood. Every single sister I am meeting is special, unique, heartwarming. Every connection is deeply rooted in compassion, love, joy and emotional intelligence. I love you Carina. Thank you for being YOU!" - Marjolein van der Kruk

"I am afloat because of the things you have taught me. I actually want to do more with you. Thank you for what you have added to my life, you are AMAZING!!!! Joining your program was one of the best decisions of my whole life!" - Wendy Bell

"Working with Carina has been life altering. When I first met Carin I was at a crossroads in my life— I was at an impasse in my career and personal relationships, my inner critic wasn't particularly kind, and I felt anxious and lost. Carina truly works magic. She completely altered my perception of my place in the world in a positive way, and she gave me the tools I needed to be a more confident and authentic version of myself. I (feel) grounded and energized. Since working with Carina, I am more open, I smile and laugh more, and I see the world as a place full of mystery and wonder." - Libby Van Beuren

"Carin Rockind = Worth every penny! The program was transformational for me. I was actually very nervous to join a group of women I didn’t know. Carin has a Gift. She asks the right questions. In only a few short months, I’ve made shifts to my life that have set me on a pretty amazing path." - Eileen Mayorga

"Finding your true purpose IS doable! Committing to this with Carin Rockind was one of the most valuable, beautiful, memorable experiences I could have ever gifted myself with. Carin is such a dynamic, innovative coach and mentor." - Mela Vetri Case

"I have been in “talk” therapy on and off for 20+ years mainly dealing with issues of growing up in a dysfunctional family. Carin’s influence changed my life. I have discovered my purpose for being on the planet, I am healing my childhood TRAUMA. Carin is MAGICAL!" - Zoe Zardis

"Working with Carin has truly changed my life. Since working with Carin, I'm filled with gratitude on a daily basis, I'm more confident in my own skin, and I feel in control of my life. I've absolutely loved working with her. It's the best decision I ever made." - Jamie Chatterton

"Carin has partnered with me to transform unexpected life chaos into a productive pursuit of my life goals and purpose, uncovering long forgotten passions and dreams in the process. Thanks to Carin today I'm on a journey of growth, not wallowing in the events of the past. Carin also has an uncanny ability to bring groups of women together and in a very short period of time cultivates a deep sense of sisterhood and trust." - Betsy Simmons

"Carin helped me to shine a light onto my purpose, bringing it into full clarity. After working with her, I feel a lot more confident about my ability to live a life of meaning." - Katherine Hunt

""When I first started working with Carin, I was headed toward a career that would have left me miserable and unfulfilled. Luckily, Carin swooped in and coached me from a place of positivity. She never made me feel like I was doing something wrong, or that I was broken and needed to be fixed. She instead got me in touch with my natural strengths and my innate sense of purpose, and then empowered me to find authentic fulfillment. She never stopped believing in me, even when I didn't believe in myself. Today, I love what I do. Thank you, Carin, for everything!"" - Kia Stein

"It was an amazing magical experience - totally inclusive with the very best teacher Carin Rockind and complete strangers who will be my friends and sisters forever. I took so much away from this retreat which was absolutely life changing. I couldn’t recommend Carin enough. Something for every woman." - Dawn Morris

"Carina is a miracle worker! I've been to multiple events and retreats with her and the way she pulls the magic out of every woman is powerful. Plus, she builds the best sisterhoods on the planet. Working with Carina, I found MY VOICE! There was a fundamental change in me from then on. People could see it in my photos and hear it in my voice. I've stepped fully into my joy, freed myself from blocks that kept me stuck, created my brand, and launched my work, programs and podcast! Every woman needs her. She has the gift of seeing each woman where she is." - Lisa Payne

"Carin Rockind is a woman gifted with the power to reflect our true selves. HER guidance led me to groundbreaking revelations. I cracked wide-open in the SAFETY of her space. I sought friendship, but gained an unexpected treasure trove of wisdom, courage, and love. My heart cracked wide-open to embrace a new level of consciousness and quantum calibration." - Wanda Santos-Haynes

"The most profound, cherished gift was the deepening of the sisterhood. We found understanding, empathy, and unwavering support. We shared stories, dreams, and fears, creating a safe haven where vulnerability was embraced and celebrated. The love that flowed between us was nurturing to the soul, reminding us of the power within the collective feminine energy. This was a spiritual journey that allowed me to reconnect with the essence of who I am." - Deahna Byrd-Taylor



I've got you! All live classes and coaching calls will be recorded and you'll have access to them for the duration of your membership, so you can watch the replays at any time. There will also be daily support available in the private Facebook group to get all you need and want!

What if I don't bond with the other women?

The WOMAN wound is deep. We've all been burned by a friend, a sister, our own mothers, a female boss. And that's why we need safe sisterhoods like you'll have in The Year of WOMAN. I, Carina, am genius at creating the safest, most loving sisterhoods on the planet where women meet online and become best friends for a lifetime. This space will heal your old wounds, as it has mine. I create the Sisterhoods I always wanted and therefore, all are welcome and loved.


Due to the energy I am putting into coaching and creating the materials, there are no refunds.